The church is a community of practices which join people together in their submission to Jesus as Lord.
— David Fitch

Together movements are about communion with God and with others; they include all of the other movements of UP, IN, OUT, and DOWN, but are intentionally done with other followers of the Way, for we are not meant to pursue our life in Christ alone, but with others who are also on the Way. Together movements are also about reconciliation as Jesus has given us a “ministry of reconciliation” and we are always to be working to restore and renew relationships that have been broken or damaged by self-centeredness and sin.


How am I doing life-on-life discipleship with others?  

Who is helping me in the discipleship process and who am I helping? Do I have a spiritual friends, mentors, or spiritual directors in my life?

Are there people I trust with whom I can share my deepest joys and sorrows?

With whom can I be honest about my spiritual walk with Christ?  

How do I build regular times of celebration and fun with others into my life?

How may be God be inviting me into deeper spiritual community in this next season?

What spiritual practices can I do with others?

Is there someone I need to reconcile with. How can I go about doing that?


Seek out Spiritual Direction

Be on the lookout in the coming months for more practices in this rhythm.

Check out the other Rhythms: UP, IN, OUT, and DOWN.